Having worked in some of the top Software companies globally, I have seen my share of interviews with candidates. Do you know that the first call you have with the recruiter or HR team will be the most important as this will be a deciding factor of whether you will be considered for future interviews and introduced to the hiring team?
But what makes an interview great vs good? What will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates interviewing for the same position? As we enter 2025, January will be and always is an incredibly competitive month for hiring.
There are a lot of candidates looking to start something new as well as companies looking to hire as they have the budget for the new year. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the rest:
Be Prepared: I cannot emphasise this enough. It's better to to be overly prepared for an interview than not prepared at all. Look at the company values, the role you applied for, and think how this aligns with your job search and career goals down the line. I have had candidates in the past not even remember they applied to the company I was hiring for - I understand job searching can be daunting, but please do your research and prepare.
The S.T.A.R method is your best friend: Most tech companies use this method in their interview process, and if not precisely this, they will have behavioural questions where this method can help you prepare. It's a great method because it keeps you focused on a topic, while helping you get your point across - instead of rambling on without a concise answer. When in doubt, use this method and I promise you - you will be better prepared for any question because of it.
Have questions along the way: I always said to candidates - ask questions! Interviewing is a two way situation, expressing interest in the company will come across as though you are genuinely interested in the position and not just applying for the sake at having a job. Companies like to feel like they are the first choice and that candidates are genuinely drawn to their mission and values -curiosity will come a long way here, but think about it: don't you want to find out where you will be working? What the culture is like? The Team etc?
Be on time: Punctuality is vital here. If it is a video interview make sure that your background is neutral, your internet is working and when in doubt in regards to what to wear I always advise a blazer on top of a casual t-shirt is fine (unless you are applying to a banking company) I know this sounds basic - but I have seen scenarios where candidates do not pay attention to their backgrounds on Zoom, and there is a ton of noise in the background. If you feel that you can't be on time or prepare to be in a quiet space for your 30 minute interview - it's best to reschedule than to make a poor impression.
Examples, examples, examples: again, we are back to point 1 and 2: the S.T.A.R method is your best friend and its best to be over prepared than under prepared. If you are not sure what kind of examples to prepare, ask the recruiter or person you will be having the interview with: what topics will be covered? This will give you an idea as they could say, this interview will focus on your sales experience and motivation (then you know these attributes will be the focus so you can prepare your examples accordingly).
Job hunting is daunting, interviewing is an art of itself and it can feel frustrating when we don't get the results we want to even though we prepared. But following the tips above can help you get closer to landing a position in a company of your choice and stand out from the rest of the talent pool.
Thanks for reading! If you are looking for your next role in a Software company - reach out to us hello@optimyze1.com